Keepers of the Sea

Richard Woodman


Size 186 x 245mm / hardback / 240pp / 160 illus. / fold-out plan

ISBN: 978-0-9532422-8-3
UK: £5.00
Europe: £10.00
Rest of the world: £20.00

From medieval times to the present day, award winning author Richard Woodman brings to life the evolution of Trinity House and the buoyage of U.K. waters and further afield. It is an area of expertise he narrates with first hand knowledge, having commanded the Trinity flagship for over a decade. Every ‘yacht’, as the ships of the service are called, is featured here; incidents along the way and the adoption by the service of new technologies are set out in an easy to read style which, nevertheless, leaves the reader knowing the story of this most ancient of institutions.

Foreword by H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh

Winner of the Marine Society’s Barbara Harmer Award

‘This is five-star. If you love the sea in its many moods, and are thrilled by seamanship and the maritime history of this kingdom, you should buy this book’
Michael Grey – Lloyds List

‘One of the year’s most important books on ships and seafarers’
The Nautical Magazine
